∴ Chani Nicholas ∵January 11th-17th

2016-01-15 11:16

The hunger is real. The appetite has its own agenda. Satiation will only come when you have had your fill.

The heart wants what it wants.

And yet we can outsmart the pathways within it when we really work at it. We can circumvent the shortcuts and take the longer route. We can pause before leaping to conclusions, assumptions and needing to nail down an answer by cultivating more curiosity about the moment and our reaction to it. We can become more interested and invested in sourcing out solid hearts that can connect rather than trying to fix the ones that never worked with ours. We can take the time we need to learn about the ins and outs of potential partnerships before we give too much to take back. We can become better advocates for our amazingness.

Hearts can heal. They can want what wants them back.

This week brings the intellectual shift necessary to unload a million lifetimes of self-abandoning foolishness. This week has the ability to reverse the effects of too many lack-luster lovers. This week has the power to change your mind and turn it towards what is turning towards you too.



✈ “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”     

Henry Miller
