∴ Twisn Astrostyle ∵April 18th-24th
You can ease off the gas and relax a little, Bull. On Monday, April 18 revolutionary Pluto begins its annual retrograde (backspin) in Capricorn and your ninth house of education, entrepreneurial ventures and global expansion until September 26. Over the past seven years you may have taken steps to live a more independent life or embarked on a path of metaphysical studies or undertaken personal transformation work. For the next five months you can pursue that—and more—but without having to worry about “results.” With Pluto in the time-out chair until late September, you can let life feel more like a journey of discovery than a race to the finish line. Read spiritual books, take workshops, go on retreats and reconnect with friends in places you can’t locate on a map (but are willing to fly to). Funny thing about dogmatism, Taurus: Once you let go of it, you start to stretch and grow in authentically fulfilling ways.
On Wednesday, the Sun blazes into your sign for a month-long visit. Taurus season is officially under way, so get your tutu and tiara out of storage and take a few practice twirls. This annual event always revives your spirit and reinvigorates your energy levels, but this year, you get a double whammy of good fortune, as innovator Mercury is doing a pas de deux with le Soleil all week. Your famous stubborn streak is nowhere to be found, and suddenly you’re ready, willing and open to new ways of doing everything from problem-solving at work to dating. (Or, if you’re attached, to new tricks in the boudoir.) Over the coming four weeks you could land in a whole new league professionally—but the catch is, you have to stop dwelling on the past. What’s done is done, so forgive yourself or whomever and MOVE ON. If you’ve slipped into the unhealthy role of hero, rescuer or help-hotline operator, simply stop playing along. Codependence never got anyone anywhere they wanted to go. Make this your new mantra: “It’s not my job to fix other people’s problems.” With the Sun in Taurus, you’ll find the inner strength to make the shift—and oh how much lighter you will feel! You’ll have the time AND bandwidth to turn your attention where it belongs: to Numero Uno. This annual Sun-into-Taurus phase can usher in a period of rapid growth, and you need to clear the psychic decks to get ready to stretch outside your safety zone and discover brand-new parts of yourself. Savor the sensation!
The year’s only full moon in Scorpio illuminates your seventh house of partnerships on Friday. Your commitment-minded sign may strongly feel the urge to merge—but not with the first applicant. “Temps” won’t do it for you, Taurus, so be clear—with yourself and contenders—that you’re only interested in someone with enduring (and endearing) qualities. Put effort into your search, because a worthy candidate could appear within two weeks of the full moon. Attached? This intense moon could prompt you to get more serious, like making the relationship exclusive or moving in together. Initiate a convo, in a “neutral setting,” to discuss your visions for a shared future. Should your sweetie be reading from a different script, take your cue, exit stage left, and turn your prodigious charms on someone who’ll treasure you for the gem you are.
✈ “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”
Henry Miller