Spring in someone's steps

2016-01-19 11:51

Spring in someone's steps/ Get a spring in one's step


這邊spring 不是大家知道的 春天。
也不是大家有背過的動詞 spring up :to appear suddenly。

Spring 在這裡是名詞,意思是 彈簧。(如下圖)

所以你的鞋子裡、步伐中有彈簧,意謂你腳步輕快,延伸有 心情愉快 的意思。

Spring in someone's step 
used for saying someone looks as if they are happy and full of energy.

例句:He walked with a spring in his step, happy to have arrived.






✈ “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”     

Henry Miller
