
2016-01-14 17:14







How do you advise companies to cope with modern communication? I think the thing to remember is the principles of communication haven't changed and I don’t think there’s anything inherent in technology that makes good communication easier. It can make it better, but there are also many ways it can make it worse. So, I think there's four things that you need to remember. The first thing is that you’ve got to remember people have limited attention- if you like, limited bandwidth – which puts the onus on you as the communicator and make sure that you get it down as succinctly as possible.

Um, second point is, recognize that, you know, communication is about meaning. It’s not about dumping vast amounts of data on people and expecting them to deal with something. Now, I went to a presentation once and someone started off. He said, well, I've got 41 slides here, but I think I’ll get through them all in 30 minutes. And they were really dense slides- lots and lots of graphs and pictures. Now, I was actually at the back of the room, and these glasses are not quite what they should be. I need new lenses. I couldn’t read any of the slides because they were so fine, so that’s what you’ve got to remember: don’t dump lots of data on people. You have to distil the meaning into, into a small number of points. Um, the third point about communication is, it’s just as much about listening as it is about telling things, and the biggest communication problems I come across in organizations are actually failures of listening rather than failure of, of outward communication, particularly the inability or unwillingness of senior management to listen to what other people are actually telling them.

And the fourth ques-, point is that, um, you now, if a communication is going to be effective- if you are actually going to get someone to do something or stop doing something or do something differently- there’s got to be some sort of emotional connection in it.

And so, if you think about all those four points, there’s no obvious reason why technology would make any of those easier. There are certainly ways you can use it to make it easier; there are certainly ways you can use it to make it an awful lot worse. So, I think that’s what you’ve got to watch. The principles remain the same. The tools could help or could hinder.


1. inherit adjective /ɪnˈher.ənt㊟ in existing as a natural or basic part of something 內在的;固有的
I have an inherent distrust of lawyers.

2. bandwidth noun 
    high bandwidth services/applications  

3. the onus noun /ˈəʊ.nəs/ ㊟ the responsibility or duty to do something 責任;義務
    We are trying to shift the onus for passenger safety onto the government.

4. distill verb ㊟ 通常是做蒸餾,這邊當作擷取...精華 Extract the essential meaning or most important aspects of
    distill the essence of this compound

5. outward adjective ㊟ Of, on, or from the outside; relating to the external appearance of something rather than its true nature
    In spite of my outward calm I was very shaken..

6.  hinder verb /ˈhɪn.dərmake it difficult for (someone) to do something or for (something) to happen 妨礙;阻礙    *小心不要跟hindsight發音搞混 是發/ɪ/ 
     High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze.




✈ “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”     

Henry Miller
