Topic-Communication IV

2016-01-19 12:58




Because what they've done is they've built this amazing computerized voicemail maze, which seems to be designed to prevent you ever from getting to talk to a real person who could actually answer your question or solve your problem.
So you go through – push one for this, dial one for this, dial two for this, dial three for that. Neither option seems to answer my question, so what do I do?
Sometimes I arrived at points where literally my options were to hear the message again, which was no use, or hang up. There are some points where, if you just don't do anything and hang on the line, you will actually get to talk to a human being… but it takes you a while, you know, many minutes on the phone, repeated attempts to find out where those are.
And so, I don't really know what they're trying to do.
They've obviously put, I suppose, put an emphasis on efficiency,
but, in the process, they've actually made themselves almost impossible to deal with. 


✈ “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”     

Henry Miller
